Stepping is a movement like no other. Stepping is a form of dance using
your body as an instrument. I never tried step until my sophomore year
at Westfield State. I tried out for a wonderful team called So Seductive
Step Team and made it my home. We are like a close family because we
all have the same passion of stepping. A lot of people on Westfield
State campus know us as the diversified team who rocks the stage with
the our amazing beats. We harmonize with the sounds of our stomps and
leave crowds breathless in amazement of our steps. Our team has been
advertised for years, but recently we have been getting to the public
through a great social network. This network is called YouTube. YouTube
is a social network to post videos of yourself or your group. Our group
felt the best way to advertise what we are about and what we do through
YouTube. If anyone has no idea of what step is we can simply show them
through our page on
I think this social network has blown up tremendously because people
our getting famous through posting videos on this site. The talent you
can see on this site is amazing. Advertising is brought to a new
extremity through this site businesses, teams, singers, actors..etc. are
actually getting recognition from other people from all around the
world. Through YouTube our team has really improved. We get called to do
multiple performances because people see our page. YouTube is a great
site and hopefully through this site more people will know about So
Seductive Step Team.